The Next Generation of BDSM in Maine is here!ME-TNG
ME-TNG is a BDSM support and education group for people ages 18 - 30. We meet every 2nd Sunday of the month at Panera Bread in South Portland, ME from 2-5pm to provide an open forum for the discussion of all things kinky.
Founded in Dec. 2000 by the two youngest members of the CUFSmaine committee ME-TNG joins the ranks alongside groups such as TES-TiNG (New York), BR-TNG (Washington DC) and BostonTNG in order to bring together the younger generation of kinksters in Maine.
We realize that there can be many dangers in the world of BDSM, especially for newcomers to the scene, and that strength lies in numbers. TNG groups exist in order to provide a safe gateway into the scene for newcomers by bringing them together with people from their own generation experienced and green alike.
Because ME-TNG deals with issues of a sexual nature we cannot , by law, cater to people under the age of 18 and because of the focus of this group we will not accept members over the age of 30. However, if you meet the age criteria we will not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, creed, affiliation with other groups, or particular fetish as long as it follows the Safe Sane Consensual credo.
This site is under construction. Please check back often for updated info or contact: or
Copyright 2000 ME-TNG